We are at Amazon with the name of HealthSite4U.
We started our health related business with acutouch.com in 1997 and we became Genesen Acutouch USA distributor.
In 1998, we also added Dr. Hwang's Raw and Organic Meal to our growing inventory. Erom products are organic and made from the purest ingredients that have been enjoyed by our loyal customers for years.
Since 2002 we have been running a health food and supplement store at 2240 Royal Lane #306 Dallas, TX 75229 USA as Healthville America / DBA Nature's Gift.
Opened HealthSite4U.com in 2014.
We are on the dalkora radio station and Dalcibang with home shopping and spot advertising.
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Visit http://www.scamadviser.com and check for HealthSite4u.com.
HealthSite4u.com and H4u.co are the same sites since 2016 and H4u.co is pointing to HealthSite4u.com.
HealthSite4U.com / H4u.co 장리나 건강마을
2240 Royal Lane #306 Dallas, TX 75229 USA
Off line Phone No. : (972) 280-9006
Text or Call: (214) 929-9927, (214) 923-9972
Kakao Id: 2149299927
1997년부터 제니센 아큐터치 텍사스 총판으로 건강사업 시작
1997년 Acutouch.com 시작
1998년 황성주생식 텍사스 총판, 현재 이롬 텍사스 총판
달라스 최초 대형 한국식품점 코마트 안에 장리나 건강마을 설립
2014년 HealthSite4U, H4U.co 시작
달라스 한인 라디오방송 달코라 홈샤핑에서 건강 관련 인터뷰와 스팟광고
달라스 시디방송 달씨방 후원
이롬 직영점